Cheap Car Insurance Premiums: Five Ways to Make it Happen
We all know that car insurance is one of those things that we have to buy, but that doesn’t mean we need to pay any more than is really necessary. In just a few simple steps you can ensure that you are not paying anymore than is necessary for your car insurance premium.
Cut the Risk and the Cost
Increase your deductible. When you have a lower deductible the insurance company assumes more risk. When you increase this deductible you are lowering the risk on the part of the insurance company and assuming it yourself, so the cost of your insurance will be lowered by as much as 50%! This is a huge savings, but just make sure you could cover the deductible if it came to it.
Get Secure
Ensure that your vehicle is as safe and secure as possible. Buy a car with anti-lock brakes and make sure that it has an alarm. If you live in a high-risk area for car crime, it makes sense to fit extra security. It saves you money when your insurance renewal is due and gives you a good feeling, too.
Drive Less to Save MoreIf your annual mileage is, 5,000 miles or less, ask insurers if they offer discounts for agreed mileage restrictions. Most insurance companies will give a discount to those who are not on the road as much.
Name Your Drivers with Care
Don’t add people to your insurance plan if they don’t drive your vehicles. Adding a young driver will increase your premiums, particularly with a limited or poor driving record. However, adding a driver over 30 years old with a long and clean driving record can cut premiums, assuming the person has not had a lot of accidents in the recent past.
Shop Around
The best way to save money on your car insurance premium is to shop around both locally and on the internet. There can be massive differences between the lowest and highest car insurance quotes for exactly the same vehicle and driver. Start off using good comparative online quotation sites, take their best quotes and go direct to the cheapest car insurance company for more specific quotes.